We ABS WATER TECH INDI A PVT. LTD., introduce ourselves as the fast growing speciality water treatment & maintenance chemicals and water treatment plant supplier in South India. We are providing custom designed programs that solve water treatment problems and make boiler, cooling, and process water systems more efficient. Our success is on our Total System Approach to water treatment. Our Total System Approach to water treatment allows ABS to identity opportunities to improve system reliability, efficiency, and safety that other might miss. It helps us to find opportunities to improve our customer’s profitability . It allows ABS to be a valuable business partner. Above all, ABS is committed to providing water treatment solutions that give healthy equipments, low operating costs, and continuous energy savings. Our mission is to provide water treatment solutions that deliver value far beyond the price of the chemicals. Comprehensive Taylor made programs, products, equipment and services that address the unique mechanical, operational, chemical and people requirements each system. Water Treatment Service works in conjunction with our Steam business to provide problem solving, technical backup and project design for steam system and cooling water customers. Our core water treatment focus is in the management of safe, cost-effective, energy efficient industrial steam and cooling water treatment programs. Quality and Experience — ABS WATER TECH INDI A PVT. LTD., is an ISO certified company for Industrial Water Treatment. You can be sure of our competence and experience to deliver value to your operation. ABS provides their range of Water Treatment services for well-known companies in the Food and Beverage, Paper, Pharmaceuticals, Packaged Foods and Chemical Manufacturing Industries, HVAC Industries, Cement Industries, Power Plants etc.,. Key Personal - We are experts in the management of Steam Systems and the specific differences between water treatment regimes of cooling towers and boiler/steam systems. All ABS Water Treatment personnel are fully trade or degree qualified. We have a team of water treatment technicians that ensure your service requirements are met even when holidays are taken by your usual technician.
“Environmental sustainability remains in the forefront of ABS’s operations,”